Page 6 - English12 | Activity Book 9
P. 6

Gap Filling

           A  Read the speech bubbles, and fill in the blanks with the appropriate expressions.

               a. I’m mad about smartwatches.                  c. You are so lucky!
               b. Really?                                      d. It makes no difference to me.

                                                           Aleph: My tech addiction destroyed my budget,
                   Jack: _______________ You’re overly     and I spent 300 dollars to get these new goggles.
                     obsessed with virtual reality.


                                                                                    Susanne: My husband’s crazy
                                           2.                                       about cleaning, so he follows
                                                                                    all the updates. He’s bought a
               Amy: _________; that means                                           robot vacuum cleaner recently,
               you’re having the robot clean                                        and he controls it via his
               your house all the time.                                             phone.

                                                                                       Jessica: I don’t understand
                                                                                       how you can live without a
                                                                                       smartphone. I spend most
                 Brianna: _________________.   3.                                      of my time with mine, and I
                 I use my tablet for social                                            cannot do the opposite.
                 media and e-mails. I use
                 my phone just for calling

                                                                                          Benjamin: What are you up
                                                                                          to today?

             Matt: I will go to the shopping
             mall to buy a smartwatch for
             Rose. It’s our anniversary today.                                          Benjamin: _______________. I
                                                                                        get online stuff done via
                                                                                        my smartwatch most of the
                                                                                        time. I also have a collection.
                                                                                        If you need help, please
                     Matt: Sure, thanks.                                                don’t bother to ask me!

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     6 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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