Page 9 - English12 | Activity Book 9
P. 9

Multiple Choice

          6. Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.     Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue

            (I) Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a scientific   for questions 9 and 10.
            discipline concerned with ensuring that machines
            produce solutions to complex problems like humans. (II)
            It is usually done by taking the characteristics of human
            intelligence and applying them to the computer as an
            algorithm. (III) Today, there are thousands of application
            areas that have the potential to use artificial intelligence.
            (IV) These can be utilised in many different applications,
            from military ones such as autonomic control and target
            detection, to the entertainment  like computer games
            and robotic animals. (V) Although the application areas   Interviewer: Who is Generation Z?
            mentioned above were only a tiny amount, they had    Professor: Gen Zers are the generation born between 1997 and
            been used for military purposes in the past years.   2002 into a world of immense technological (9) _____________ and
                                                                 innovations. Technology plays an intuitive and spontaneous
            A) I     B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V
                                                                 role in their daily lives. They think of technology as the way it
                                                                 is—all sorts of information are in their fingerprints. As a result,
                                                                 they are different from other generations who either grew up
          7. Choose the best option to fill in the paragraph.    without such technology or came into adulthood during the
            Antivirus _______________ is essential for any organization   rise of social media and  (10) _____________.
            looking to ensure their data and computer systems are   9.
            not in danger of being corrupted. Antivirus solutions act
            as the guard at the gate, preventing unsavoury characters   A) advances               B) gadgets
            from entering and causing havoc. Antivirus programmes   C) processors                 D)loudspeakers
            do three things when they find a virus: ignore, delete,                 E) cables
            or quarantine. If they ignore it, that means they will
            do nothing. If they delete it, they will clear that virus.   10.
            _______________ means they won’t remove the virus, but they   A) mainboard            B) smartphones
            will restrain it so that the virus will remain, but it can’t   C) touch-screen projectors      D) robovacs
            reproduce itself.                                                       E) smart cars
            A) quarantine / Attack
            B) protection / Quarantine                          Choose the correct option for Questions 11 and 12
            C) production / Antivirus                           according to the text.
            D) solution / Produce                                Being the  first  digital  natives,  Generation Z  has  grown
            E) prevention / Security                             up with technology, and they’ve been exposed to the
                                                                 internet, social networks and mobile systems; (11) ___________,
                                                                 they are creative, innovative, reasonable, ambitious and
          8. Which high-tech product expresses the key benefits   entrepreneurial by nature. Furthermore, they are ready
            and common features below?                           to take calculated risks (12) ____________ they aren’t afraid of

            ‒  Widespread connectivity (reliable wireless connectivity)  making mistakes. Briefly, they are incredibly fast learners.
            ‒  Network security                               11.
            ‒  Smart traffic and transport management            A) despite                       B) such as
            ‒  Efficient public utilities management from healthcare   C) however                 D) since
              and fire to water supply                                              E) therefore
            ‒  Smart homes and buildings
            A) Quadcopters            B) Robot vacuums
            C) Smart cities           D) Goggles                 A) yet                    B) at first
                                 E) Tablet PCs                   C) as well as                    D) as
                                                                                    E) although

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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