Page 9 - English 10 | Activity Book 10
P. 9

Multiple Choice

          9. What can be concluded from the text?             12. Look  at the  sentences  and find  the  best option
            The Turkish  National Education Ministry (MEB) has   according to the picture.
            repealed the obligation for students to wear school   A) The girl with the green T-shirt
            uniforms for ten years. It was published in the Official   has got long, wavy, ginger hair.
            Gazette in 2012 that the cabinet had approved a decision   B) The boy with the grey
            that governs the procedures and legal foundations for a   sweatshirt is shorter than the
            new dress code in public and private schools in the MEB.   curly-haired girl.
            The kids are allowed to dress in their regular clothes,   C) The boy with the blue
            but the ministry has added a new set of limitations to   sweatshirt is the tallest one in
            the dress code guideline. Tights, shorts, sleeveless tops,   the picture.
            transparent and thorny garments, accessories, costumes   D) The girl with the pink T-shirt is
            portraying political themes, and make-up, a beard, a   taller than the other girl.
            moustache, and coloured hair will be prohibited for   E)  They are middle-aged and out
            students in the classroom.                             of fashion.

            A) In Turkey, students wear what they want at school.
            B) Turkish students are free to choose their clothing
            C) Students have a set of rules to follow to choose their   13. What can you say in the given situation?
              clothing at school.
            D) Students can have a beard and moustache at schools   Your best friend will attend a party this weekend. But
              in Turkey.                                         she doesn’t have suitable clothes or money. You suggest
            E) Wearing accessories and outfits depicting political   her politely lend one of your dresses.
              messages is legal at school in Turkey.             A) What about looking at my wardrobe? I have dozens of
                                                                   dresses that will suit you.
                                                                 B) I’m sure you will look amazing in your jeans.
                                                                 C) Why don’t you ask for help?
          10. What is the synonym of the underlined word?        D) Let’s go shopping and buy a new dress.

            My father is a great barber. He combs my hair, plaits and   E) Your red dress really suits you; I think you should wear it.
            cuts it when I want.

            A) tightens                       B) shapes
            C) primps                         D) waves        14.
                               E) dyes

          11. Find the correct order of the dialogue.

            I.  Welcome, may I help you, ma’am?
            II. I'm on it. Meanwhile, you can make the payment.
            III. Yes, please. I’m looking for a medium, blue striped
              T-shirt?                                          What cannot be said according to the picture above?
            IV. No, can you wrap it as a gift?                   A) The man breaks the mould with his extraordinary style.
            V.  Here it is, a medium, blue striped T-shirt. If you want,   B) The man is dark-skinned and tall.
              you can use the fitting room.
                                                                 C) The man looks cheerful and joyful.
            A) IV-V-III-II-I                  B) I-III-V-IV-II   D) The man has a long, thick beard and moustache.
            C)  V-I-III-IV-I-II               D) II-IV-I-V-III   E)   The man is wearing a suit and a tie.
                               E) III-I-II-V-IV

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14