Page 9 - English 11 | Activity Book 10
P. 9

Multiple Choice

          8. What can be the theme of the poem below?           Choose the correct options to complete the dialogue
                                                                for questions 11 and 12.

                                                              11.  Carmen:   I believe children’s books are a good guide
                                                                             for parents to teach moral values.
                                                                   Jessica:   Why do you think so?
                                                                   Carmen:   _________________________
                                                                 A) Because they successfully give the targeted message in
                                                                   simple words and illustrations, which is amazing.
                                                                 B) I feel the same way. I get happy when I see that my kids
                                                                   get the main idea in the books.
                                                                 C) In my opinion, smart devices are far more successful
                                                                   than books in transferring the message.
                                                                 D) How about planning a book reading day for our kids so
                                                                   that they can both read books and have fun together?
            A) Honesty                                           E) Because of the fact that it can help us learn about our
            B) Respect                                             traditional cuisine easily and effectively.
            C) Patience
            D) Cooperation
            E) Peace                                          12.  Meghan:   I personally feel that there are many
                                                                             precious values Turkish culture has. Do you
                                                                             have a favourite one?
          9. Choose the correct option to make a meaningful        Charlie:    I feel the same. _________________________
                                                                 A) That probably means Turkish people care about
             I -  Thus, others' perceptions and treatment of you are   honesty and ethics most.
                influenced by social etiquette.                  B) In my opinion, Indian cuisine is much spicier than Turkish
             II -  According to it, we’re expected to follow social norms   cuisine.
                in order to coexist and live in harmony.         C) I believe that the most beautiful place to visit in Türkiye
             III -  Furthermore, using good social skills not only helps   is İstanbul, with its historical sites.
                you build long-term friendships, but it also helps you   D) I disagree with you. The Turkish people are very friendly
                find good opportunities.                           and sympathetic.
             IV - The term "social etiquette" refers to the behaviour   E) I think hospitality is the most important value in Turkish
                you use in social circumstances, such as interactions   culture. They do their best to serve and host their
                with family, friends, coworkers, or strangers.     guests.
             V -  First of all, it can help you make long-lasting
                impressions that develop trust and reliability.
                                                              13.  Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.
            A) IV – II – I – III – V                             (I) Atatürk's educational policy was not limited to the needs
            B) V – II – IIII – I – IV                            and values of Türkiye alone. (II) It also reflected the values
            C) IV – II – I – V – III                             of humanity and civilisation, and the relationship between
            D) III – II – I – V – IV                             the two sets of values was always stressed. (III) According
            E) IV – I – II – III – V                             to him, education is the only way to build a world where
                                                                 people can be friends, tolerant, independent, and free. (IV)
                                                                 Atatürk highlighted the importance of Turkish art in the
          10.  What does the idiom ’young at heart’ mean?        nation's  life,  emphasising  that  progressive  efforts were
                                                                 needed to bring Turkish art up to contemporary civilisation
            A) Being physically and mentally mature              levels. (V) And, it’s again through education that scientific
            B) Having a lot of experience                        and technological progress can be achieved and that the
            C) Taking good care of heart health                  notions of the world can all constitute a civilised whole.
            D) Being active and having a lot of energy
            E) Feeling exhausted                                   A) I     B) II     C) III   D) IV    E) V

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-11
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