Page 13 - English12 | Activity Book 10
P. 13

Fun Time

          Read the etiquette rules below and tick (         )the ones that you try to abide by. Next, count your
          ticks and read the related comment to learn what others think about you.

                                   How Much Do You Know about Etiquette?

             1.   At a dinner table, I always pass the salt and the pepper together even if I am asked for only
                  the salt.
             2.   During dinner, when I am supposed to pass the meal, I pass it in a counterclockwise direction.

             3.   When I take the breadbasket, I first offer to the person on my right and then the one on my
                  left before I take a piece of bread for myself.

             4.   While stirring my tea to dissolve sugar or honey, I don’t stir it in a clockwise direction. The
                  motion should be from 6 to 12.
             5.   Having dinner with my friends, I never put my elbows on the table as it may rock the table,
                  and speak my mouth full.

             6.   I always carry my bag on my left shoulder or arm or mobile phone in my left hand to leave
                  my right hand free for handshakes.
             7.   When one of my friends invites me over to his or her house, I never go there empty-handed,
                  and always try to take a gift with me.

             8.   Unless I expect an urgent call, I never talk on the phone on buses, trains, and planes in order
                  not to disturb others. Instead, I prefer texting.
             9.   When the bus reaches the bus stop, I always let people get off first and then I get on.

             10.  When talking to a stranger, I avoid saying ‘yeah’ or ‘yep’ and address them as ‘madam’ or ‘sir’.

                        1-3 Ticks3 Ticks                                               4-
                                                                                       4-7 Ticks7 Ticks
               Y                                                              It seems that you try to be polite eems that you try to be polite
               Your  friends  may  be  thinking our  friends  may  be  thinking
                                                                              It s
               that y
               that you are not thoughtful ou are not thoughtful              and c
                                                                              and considerate towards your onsiderate towards your
               enough. Y
               enough. You had better try to ou had better try to             friends
                                                                              friends  and  others,  but  some and  others,  but  some
               be more polite and considerate e polite and considerate
               be mor                                                         o
                                                                              of your behaviours may be still f your behaviours may be still
               towards others.owards others.
                                                                              disturbing them. Try to get rid of turbing them. Try to get rid of
                                                                              these rude behaviours!se rude behaviours!
                                                       8-10 Ticks10 Ticks
                                             In the eyes of your friends, yes of your friends,
                                             In the e
                                             you are a true gentleman or ou are a true gentleman or
                                             gentlewoman. Go on treating woman. Go on treating
                                             people with such a c
                                             people with such a courtesy! ourtesy!

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18