Page 8 - English12 | Activity Book 10
P. 8

Multiple Choice

                                                              3. Considering the underlined sentence in the passage,
            Answer the questions 1-3 according to the passage
            given below.                                         which of the following statements can belong to
                                                                 the writer himself?
          In life, people make lots of mistakes and regret these
          mistakes in later phases of their lives, whether they are   A) “I wish I had made the decisions about my career by
          related to their private lives, school lives or careers.  I have   myself.”
          also made a lot of mistakes or decisions which I regret   B) “I should have got married by now because I don’t
          a lot. For example, when I was a high school student, I   like being alone anymore.”
          always wanted to become an actor, but because of my    C) “I should have resisted my parents’ pressure on me
          parents’ pressure on me, I studied law at university. I like
          my profession now, yet I can’t keep myself from thinking   and chosen the job I wanted.”

          about what my life would be like now if I had taken an   D) “I wish I had my own law office so that I could make
          education in acting. If I had a second chance, I would   more money compared to the amount that I do
          certainly choose the path that I want to pursue this time,   now.”
          not my parents. After my graduation from university, I   E) “I wish I had listened to my parents’ advice as
          started working with one of the most famous lawyers      parents always know better than their children.”
          in my hometown. However, I wish I had established my
          own law office after gaining some experience so that I
          could earn much more money than I do now. Since my
          childhood, I have always been against marriage and
          therefore I didn’t get married, but these days I feel so
          lonely and have come to understand that  not letting   4.  Some people strictly adhere to customs and try to
          anyone walk into my life was not a wise decision.      practice them as much as possible, whereas some

                                                                 others think that they hardly mean anything, and
          1.  It can be understood from the passage that the
            writer _______________.                              therefore it is normal to behave in today’s culture as
                                                                 your inner voice says as long as you do not violate the
            A) has more regrets about his private life than his   rights of others or disturb them.
              school life
            B) wonders what kind of lifestyle he would be leading     According  to  the  information  given  above,  which
              if he had realized his dream of becoming an actor   of the following statements cannot be made by a
                                                                 person who doesn’t favour customs?
            C) closed his ears to his parents’ advice and
              recommendations during his high school years       A) “The youth don’t have to behave in the same way
            D) couldn’t get married as he was unable to find his   that their parents do.”
              soulmate                                           B) “Whether people like the customs in this country or
            E) regrets the decisions he made in his school life the   not, they need to maintain them as they are part of
              most                                                 our culture.”

                                                                 C) “Not only in our country but also in other countries
                                                                   in the world, people don’t practise old customs as
                                                                   much as they used to do in the past.”
          2. Which of the following can replace the red bold verb
            “pursue” in the passage?                             D) “Some customs are essentially good, yet they still
                                                                   need evolving as they don’t fit in today’s world.”
            A) follow                         B) alter           E) “No pressure from society should be on those who
            C)  combine                       D) express           don’t practise old customs in their lives. People
                               E) cover                            should behave as they wish.”

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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