Page 8 - English 9 | Activity Book 10
P. 8

Multiple Choice

          1.  Linda likes watching TV, but since she has done some   4. Sue: I think we will be Internet addicts sooner or later
            research work for school, she has become more selective   because the Internet use at home has climbed to 24
            about the programmes she watches. She likes watching   hours a week. You can see many people looking at
            documentaries and some shows like Who Wants to Be    their smartphones’ screens for a long time. This will
            a  Millionaire?, so she doesn’t really spend too much   cause many health problems.
            time in front of the box, only  an hour or  two a day.     Lisa: ____________________. We spend too much time on it.
                                                                 We should find some other activities to spend our time
            According to the information above, which of the     on.
            following is suitable for Linda to watch on TV?
                                                                 Which of the following can complete the dialogue
            A) Reality show                                      above?
            B) Animation
            C) Sports programme                                  A) I’m afraid I disagree with you
            D) News                                              B) I don’t agree with you
            E) Quiz show                                         C) You are not right
                                                                 D) That’s wrong
                                                                 E) I totally agree with you

          2. A TV channel held a survey about the teenagers’ TV
            programme preferences. Here are some students’

                                    Steve Sally  Liz   Tim    5.
            I am keen on watching                               Bob: ____________________?
            mysterious crime films.
                                                                Linda: I generally use digital platforms to search for
            I am interested in wildlife.                         my hobbies. I often get some information about my
                                                                 fish. I have an aquarium and have five different types
            I want to learn about                                of them. I have to know a lot about them.
            world cuisine.                                       A) How do you connect to the Internet
            I can’t stand programmes
            just for kids.                                       B) How do you use digital platforms
                                                                 C) How do you pay your bills
            Which of the following is CORRECT according to the   D) How often do you surf the Net
            chart?                                               E) Which of the social networking sites do you follow

            A) Steve and Liz are interested in detective films.
            B) Tim likes watching more than one film type.
            C) Sally and Liz enjoy watching documentaries.
            D) Cartoons are very popular among teenagers.
            E) Teenagers give less importance to cookery      6. Tim: I tap the ____________________ icon when I want to send
              programmes.                                        my CV to some companies.
                                                                Nick: I want to take a selfie in front of the Clock Tower in
                                                                 İzmir, so I tap the ____________________ icon.
                                                                Serra: I want to go to the nearest post office to send this
          3. You are surfing on your social media account and    parcel. I tap the ____________________ icon to find my way.
            reading a wonderful poem from one of your friends.     Sally: When I need some information about my
            You want to share it on your account, so you tap on the   assignment, I tap the ____________________ icon.
            sharing icon.                                       Liz: I have no money with me now, so I must tap the
                                                                 ____________________ icon to text my dad.
            Which of the following icons should you tap?
                                                                 Which of the following words cannot fill in the gaps?
             A)       B)         C)        D)       E)
                                                                 A) camera                        B) e-mail
                                                                 C) messages                      D) download
                                                                                    E) GPS

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-9
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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