Page 19 - English 10 | Games and Activities-2
P. 19


                        3  Future Dominoes                                                   10 GRADE

              ... spend some         ... together with     ... in the UK this
              time ...               our relatives ...     summer.                I am ...

                                     ... take some time                           ... going to the
              ... going to ...                             We are ...
                                     off.                                         movie ...

              ... in the                                                          ... going to rent a
              afternoon              My parents ...        ... and I are ...      caravan.

                                     ... going to buy a    ... in the             Linda and Susan
              James is ...
                                     house ...             countryside.           are ...

              ... going to take      ... my plants while   Jonathan and           ... are going to
              care of ...            I am away.            Kelsey ...             move their flat ...

                                     My brother            ... he is going to     As the teachers of
              ... soon.
                                     says ...              change his car.        this school ...

              .. we are planning     ... give quizzes      Brad Pitt is ...       ... visiting our
              to ...                 every month.                                 university ...

              ... to meet our
              students at the        The United are ...    ... playing            ... on the
                                                           Chelsea ...
              festival time.

                                     ... is going to sell   The school            ... is going to give
              My uncle ...
                                     his villa in Spain.   administration ...     a survey ...

                                                           ... are going to
                                     Rafael Nadal and
              ... to the students.                         play a friendly        We are going to ...
                                     Roger Federer ...

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