Page 24 - English 10 | Games and Activities-2
P. 24


                       9 Helpful Buddy (1)                                                   10 GRADE

                  Step 1

                             Ideas                                   Unplanned Situations

          1  I’ll prepare a relaxing tea for him.         a  I am too tired and I’ve a severe headache.

                                                             I’m worried about our new friend. I haven’t
          2  I’ll help you do the vacuuming the rooms.    b
                                                             seen hide nor hair of her since last week.

                                                             My brother has an exam tomorrow and he is
          3  Calm down! I’ll give you a lift to the company.  c
                                                             worried about it.

          4  Don’t worry, I’ll bring you some drinks.     d  Gosh! I have sprained my ankle.

          5  Don’t think about it! I’ll make a cake for you.  e  My car is out of order and I must be in time
                                                             for the meeting.

          6  Don’t panic! We’ll pick up you.              f  Oh my! I’ve lost my ID card while shopping.

          7  Calm down! We’ll buy it for you.             g  Look! I’ve spilt tea on my jacket.

                                                             I am busy with my work now. I have to finish
          8  OK! I’ll visit you later then.               h
                                                             all the reports.

          9  Calm down! I’ll lend you mine. What size do   i  I have no time to buy the concert ticket. I am
             you wear?                                       worried about it.

                                                             I have a severe backache and I can’t clean the
          10 Don’t panic! I’ll call an ambulance.         j

          11  It’s not the end of the world! I’ll go and have a   k  The guests are coming tonight and we haven’t
             look for it in the market.                      prepared any food for them.

                                                             I am very thirsty and water supply has been
          12 Look! I’ll give you a painkiller.            l
                                                             cut off.

                                                             I have no car, so I won’t come and join the
          13 Don’t worry, I’ll call her.                 m

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