Page 23 - English 10 | Games and Activities-3
P. 23


                        8  Story Completion (2)                                              10 GRADE

            The Incomplete Story

            An Unforgettable Day


            I can still remember my heart pounding, shouts of the spectators and my classmates’ gazing
            upon me. It was my first race at school, and I wanted to win it more than anything else. While
            I was approaching toward the start, my body was still shaking. When I saw my friends waving
            happily, I began to feel even more nervous. At that time, I decided to keep calm and took a deep
            breath. Then, the starting whistle blew and I started to run. I was concentrated on my track and
            determined to win. Everything was going well and it was just the way I wanted. Then, something
            terrible happened. I stumbled and fell on the grass. I was so embarrassed at that moment.
            After a few seconds, I looked at my parents’ faces. They were smiling at me with a sense of faith
            and trust. I could feel their support right then. I had the strength to stand up and run on the track.
            I ran faster and faster, but there were still a few runners ahead of me. I was so exhausted, but
            I never gave up. Finally, I saw the finish line and then crossed it. Later, the principal announced
            the result. I came second in the race, but I was still so happy with the result because without my
            parents’ support, I couldn’t even have finished the race. When I got my certificate, I was so proud
            of my parents in my life. That day, my parents and I took this photo as a reminiscence.

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