Page 24 - English 10 | Games and Activities-3
P. 24


                        9 Listen and Decide!                                                 10 GRADE

         Greg was a young, energetic boy. He lived with his parents and they loved traveling together, especially
         to Austria in winter. Mountain climbing was Greg’s favorite outdoor activity. He never climbed alone
         because he was also aware of the danger he could face. On that cold, snowy day, he was climbing with
         his friends again, and they were about to reach the top of the mountain. It was time for the last step, so
         he took a deep breath and thought of his parents waiting for him at the hotel. This would be the step to
         a great victory for him.

         Judy Wilmore was the only child in her family. She was brought up with extreme care and love in a large
         farmhouse. She was a lovely, smart girl at the age of 10. She spent most of her time with her parents
         and animals as she was a little bit introverted. She also loved reading. Her mom, Stephanie, and her dad,
         Jonathan, were both vets in their mid-forties. One summer night, it was extremely hot inside. Judy was
         reading a book, and she wondered how it would end, so she stayed up late and finished reading it. Then,
         she went to bed, but she could hardly sleep. It was the crack of dawn when Judy woke up in sweat. Her
         room was dark and there was no light coming through her curtains. The only sound she could hear was
         her cat’s purring and the clock ticking.

         The forest was silent and creepy in the middle of the night. Niwamba, the tiger cub, was dark orange and
         had black stripes. She wasn’t blind, but she was still dependent on her mom. She stretched and rolled
         around near her mother’s feet. Her father would be leaving soon to hunt. It was easy for tigers to see
         in the darkness whereas humans couldn’t. They were also more sensitive to high sounds than humans
         are, and, accordingly, Niwamba hoped that her father would get a hog or a deer. Those were her favorite


                        Main Event/Climax                             Ending (Resolution)

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