Page 6 - English 11 | Games and Activities-4
P. 6


                             F1   Describing places, people, and events in the past
         11 GRADE            F2   Ordering events
                             F3   Talking about personal experiences in the past

             3   Fact vs. Fiction

          This game provides language practice in four skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking using the Past Perfect. It
          encourages students to interact and communicate by talking about personal experiences in the past. It also helps boost
          critical thinking and creativity.

          Materials and Preparation

          Make one copy of the worksheet on page 78 for each pair of students.


          1    Tell your students they are going to work in pairs and give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet.
          2    Tell them they are going to write two explanations for each situation on their worksheet - a realistic explanation (Fact)
             and an imaginative explanation (Fiction).
          3    Read the first situation from the worksheet to the class, e.g., ‘‘I walked into my neighborhood, but I couldn’t find my
             house.’’ The pairs then take it in turns to read their Fact explanation to the class using the past perfect, e.g., ‘‘You
             had walked into the wrong neighborhood.’’ The class then votes for the most realistic explanation. The winning pair
             scores a point.
          4    The pairs then read out their Fiction explanations, e.g., ‘‘You had lost your memory.’’ Again, the class chooses the
             best explanation and votes for it.
          5    The process continues with the second situation and so on. The pair with the most points at the end of the activity is
             the winner.

              4  Guess the Other Half

         This activity aims to practice ordering events by completing the before and after sentences using Past Perfect Tense. It
         also enables students to practice four main skills.

         Materials and Preparation

         Copy and cut out the worksheet on page 79.


         1   Divide the class into two teams as A and B and give each student a corresponding worksheet.
         2   Tell the students that they are going to complete the sentences according to themselves by using the appropriate
         3   When they finish writing, ask Team A to send a player as a volunteer to start the game.
         4   Tell the player that s/he is going to choose a sentence from the worksheet and read the first half of it. Then the player
             of Team B is going to guess the rest of the sentence. Tell the students that they have at least five chances to guess
             the possible answer of the player.
         5   If the player of Team B guesses the sentence right, s/he gets 1 point and an extra point for the correct grammar.
             Totally the player scores 2 points.
         6   Then a student from Team B takes it in turns, and the game goes on. The team with the highest score wins.

             69   Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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