Page 8 - English 11 | Games and Activities-4
P. 8


                             F1   Describing places, people, and events in the past
         11 GRADE            F2   Ordering events
                             F3   Talking about personal experiences in the past

              7  Jumbled Story

          This activity enables students to order the events in the past. It also helps them to practice four main language skills.

          Materials and Preparation

          Copy and cut out the worksheet on page 82 for each group of three or four students and put the slips of paper in an
          envelope. You may wish to give out the worksheet without cutting since the sentences are in the wrong order.


          1   Give each group the envelope which has been prepared in advance.
          2   Get students to work together to rearrange the jumbled story into the right order.
          3   The first group to finish ordering the events correctly is the winner.
          4   First, check the answers privately so that the other groups can continue to work on the story. When all the groups
             have finished, give feedback to the class.
          5   After the events are put in the right order, get all the groups to write a funny or strange end to the story.
          6   Have each group choose a speaker for themselves to read out their story to the class.
          7   Get the class to vote for the funniest or strangest story.

              8  A Made-up Story

         This activity enables students to describe places, people and events in the past. It also encourages them to order events
         by practicing four main language skills.

         Materials and Preparation

         Copy and cut out the worksheet on page 83 for each group of six or seven students.


         1   Give each group a slip of paper having an introductory sentence of a story.
         2   Explain that each student is supposed to take it in turns to add one sentence to the story. Ask them to make up a
             funny or interesting story. Remind them that they have to use Simple Past, Past Continuous and Past Perfect with
             time adverbs (before, after, when, while, by the time, etc.) to continue the story.
         3   The groups then write their stories.
         4   When all the groups have finished writing, they read out their stories to the class.
         5   Get the class to vote for the funniest or strangest story.

             71   Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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