Page 11 - English12 | Activity book-1
P. 11

12 GRADE                   Answer Keys & Audio Scripts

           Antonyms: quiet, silent, peaceful
           Rhyme: reckoning

           8. sorrow
           Definition: a feeling of being very sad because something very bad has happened
           Synonyms: agonize, grieve, suffer
           Antonyms: delight, happiness, joy
           Rhymes: tomorrow, borrow
           9. inspiration

           Definition: someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something
           Synonyms: motivation, incentive
           Antonyms: disincentive, discouragement, restraint
           Rhymes: station, nation
           10. dynamic

           Definition: having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm
           Synonym: energetic
           Antonyms: dull, weak
           Rhymes: ceramic, panoramic

           11. distract
           Definition: to take somebody’s attention away from what they are trying to do
           Synonyms: puzzle, divert
           Antonyms: concentrate, focus
           Rhymes: act, abstract

           12. sentimental
           Definition: a person strongly influenced by emotional feelings
           Synonyms: emotional
           Antonyms: unsentimental, serious, pragmatic
           Rhymes: mental, experimental, instrumental

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