Page 10 - English12 | Activity book-1
P. 10

12 GRADE                   Answer Keys & Audio Scripts
           Answer Key

           1 The Word Wheel
           1. tribute
           Definition: an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your love or respect to somebody
           Synonyms: commendation, approval
           Antonym: disapproval
           Rhymes: contribute, attribute, distribute

           2. raucous
           Definition: loud and unpleasant
           Synonyms: rowdy, cacophonic, noisy
           Antonym: quiet
           Rhyme: caucus

           3. majority
           Definition: the larger number or part of something
           Synonym: bulk
           Antonym: minority
           Rhymes: minority, priority, authority
           4. calming

           Definition: free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance
           Synonyms: soothing, tranquility
           Antonyms: annoying, bothersome
           Rhymes: coming, coughing, jogging

           5. eerie
           Definition: strange, mysterious and frightening
           Synonyms: creepy, terrifying, unusual
           Antonyms: natural, normal, ordinary, usual
           Rhyme: theory

           6. healing
           Definition: the process of becoming well again
           Synonyms: recovery, rehabilitative
           Antonym: decline
           Rhymes: ceiling, feeling
           7. deafening

           Definition: extremely loud
           Synonyms: blaring, blasting, loud

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