Page 5 - English12 | Activity book-1
P. 5


                             F1  Expressing opinion (agreeing, disagreeing, etc.)
         12 GRADE            F2  Expressing preferences

             3   Music Dice

         This activity aims for students to express their opinions about music and exchange ideas about their
         music preferences.

         Materials and Preparation
         Cut up cardboards before the class. Make sure that each group in the class has one.

         The activity consists of two steps:

         STEP 1
         This step aims to revise the vocabulary that students have focused on in their particular course.

         1  Divide students into groups of two or three.
         2  Hand out each group a piece of paper.
         3  Explain that each group will brainstorm to find at least five phrases used for agreeing and disagreeing
             and ask students to write them on the paper.
         4  When each group is ready, ask them to hang the papers on the board to create a list of the phrases.
         5  Check the lists with class.

         STEP 2

         This step aims to help students to express their opinions about music and exchange ideas about their
         musical preferences.
         1  Divide students into groups of four or five.
         2  Hand out each team a piece of cardboard and tell them they will prepare a cube to be used as a dice.
         3  Explain that each group will write the names of the music genres on the six sides of the dice.
         4  In turns, each student in groups will roll the dice to determine the music genre to talk about and
             share her/his opinions about that music type.
         5  Then the next student in the group will express if s/he agrees or disagrees with her or him using the
             phrases from the list which they have prepared in Step 1. After that, s/he rolls the dice to determine
             a new genre to talk about.
         6  Ask students to roll the dice once more if they roll the same topic.
         7  The game continues until every student has had a turn.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10