Page 4 - English12 | Activity book-1
P. 4


                             F1  Expressing opinion (agreeing, disagreeing, etc.)
         12 GRADE            F2  Expressing preferences

             1   The Word Wheel

          This activity aims for students to revise the topic-related vocabulary and support their speaking skill by
          focusing on the sound, meaning, synonym and antonym of a word.

          Materials and Preparation
          You will need the printed Word Wheel on page 17, a thumbtack or a paperclip, a stick or a pencil and the
          printed word cards. Print and cut up the Word Cards on page 18 and the Word Wheel, and put the arrow
          spinner in the centre hole. You may use a thumbtack and a pencil to create a spinner on the centre of
          the word wheel.

          1  Tell students that they are going to play a word game and divide the class into three or four groups.
          2  Explain that, in turns, one student from each group takes a word card from the pack; spin the wheel
             to respond to the task indicated by the arrow such as defining the word, acting the word out, etc.
          3  When the first student has performed the task, the next student takes a turn.
          4  Remind students that they may spin again to change the task or ask for help if they have difficulty in
             performing the task, but only once each turn.
          5  Count the number of cards that were correctly performed to identify the winning team. The team
             with the most points when time is up wins the game.

             2   Adjective Crossword

          This  activity  aims  to  recall  previously  learned  adjectives  related  to  describing  someone’s  taste  in
          music while students talk about their music preferences. It also encourages students to interact and
          communicate in a meaningful context for language use.

          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy one worksheet on page 19 for each pair of students. Cut into two separate, Student A and
          Student B, worksheets for each student.

          1  Put the class into two groups, A and B. After warning students not to look at the other group’s
             worksheet, hand out a copy of the ‘Student A worksheet’ to each student in group A and a copy of
             the ‘Student B worksheet’ to each student in group B.
          2  Point out to students that all adjectives in the crossword are related to describing someone’s taste in
             music while they talk about their music preferences. Ask them to work in pairs with a partner from
             the same group to check if they know the meanings of all the words on their worksheet and prepare
             a few clues for each of their words.
          3  Have students work with a partner from the other group and check if students understand how
             to refer to words in a crossword, for example, the word in 3 down and the word in 1 across. Warn
             students not to use the words themselves, but they can give the first letter of the word when their
             partners have challenges with remembering it.
          4  When students have finished the activity, let them check each other’s completed crosswords and
             their spelling with their partners.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9