Page 18 - English12 | Activity book-10
P. 18


                       4 Please Accept My Apologies                                      12 GRADE

             You’ve burnt the cake because you forgot to turn off     You’re late for a very important meeting. Call your
             the oven. Your mom is angry with you now. Make an   boss to apologize and make an excuse.
             apology, stating your reason.

             Your best friend is disappointed because she has     You’re interviewing a famous person.You’ve realized
             learnt that you told her secret to someone else. Make   that s/he is getting annoyed when you ask personal
             a sincere apology for your mistake.            questions.  Express  your  regrets  and  make  an

             You are in a big store to buy something. You skip the     You promised your sister to attend her graduation
             queue and walk straight to the cashier. People waiting   ceremony, but you couldn’t make it. Make a sincere
             in the queue warn you. Apologize respectfully and   apology and state your reason for not attending the
             make an excuse.                                ceremony.

             You’re about to leave the supermarket without paying for     You’ve had a bike accident with your brother’s bike.
             the groceries you’ve bought as you’re being so forgetful   He is very upset when he sees his broken bike.
             these days. The cashier reminds you about the payment.   Express your regrets and make an excuse.
             Apologize and make an excuse.

             You couldn’t hand in a project on time. Your teacher     Your dad asked you to take the dog for a walk.
             is disappointed. Make an apology and give a reason.  You’ve arrived home late, and your dad is not very
                                                            happy about this. Apologize to him and make an

             You’re a sales assistant in a shop. You’ve accidentally     You didn’t return the books you’d borrowed from the
             sold a pair of shoes in the wrong size. Apologize to   school library. Apologize to the librarian respectfully
             the customer and make an excuse.               and state your reason for not returning the books in

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