Page 20 - English12 | Activity book-3
P. 20


                       5   Spread the Word!                                                  12 GRADE

          *  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

           Article 26                                     Article 19
           We all have the right to education.            We all have the right to make up our
                                                          own minds, to think what we like, and to
                                                          share our ideas with other people.

           Article 4                                      Article 18
           Nobody has any right to make us a slave.       We all have the right to believe in what
           We cannot make anyone else our slave.          we want to believe and to have a religion.

           Article 5                                      Article 2
           Nobody has any right to torture us or          Human rights belong to everybody,
           treat us cruelly.                              whatever our differences are.

           Article 22                                     Article 12
           We all have the right to a home,               Nobody has the right to come into our
           enough money to live on and medical            home, open our letters, or bother us or
           help if we are ill.                            our family.

           Article 3                                      Article 24
           We all have the right to life, and to live     We all have the right to rest from work
           in freedom and safety.                         and relax.

           Article 17                                     Article 9
           Everyone has the right to own things           Nobody has the right to put us in prison
           or share them. Nobody should take our          arbitrarily.
           things from us arbitrarily.

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