Page 22 - English12 | Activity book-3
P. 22


                       6 Needs or Wants? (2)                                                 12 GRADE

         A  Sort the cards into ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ with your group members. Then, discuss the
              following questions with your classmates.

                                              Needs                                     Wants

            1  Are human needs and human rights related? How?
            2  Do human rights cover all human needs? Why/Why not?
          B  Read the text below and discuss the following question with your classmates.

                            Distinguishing needs from wants can be a challenging
                            task. The word ‘need’ is generally defined as the things

                            you can’t live without such as food and water; however,
                            requirements for a fulfilling and meaningful life, such

                            as education that will fully develop one’s capabilities

                            and give the opportunity to exercise those capabilities
                            should  also  be  considered  ‘need’.  For  this  reason,

                            ‘need’ can be defined as the thing that is necessary for

                            an organism to live a healthy life.

            Do you agree with the idea in the text? If yes, apart from education, what other examples of
            requirements can you give that should be considered ‘need’? If not, why?

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