Page 33 - English12 | Activity book-5
P. 33


                        9 I Have Your Suggestion                                             12 GRADE

             I feel stressed because I have a math exam   Why don’t you go and talk to your teacher? I
          1  tomorrow. Although I’ve studied hard for it, I   think she/he will explain the reason, so you  a
             still believe that the exam will be difficult.  won’t make the same mistakes again.

             I’ve applied for an intern program at a media   Don’t  be  nervous!  It  may  take  some  time
          2  company. I think that they won’t accept me   before the medication helps. I think your cat  b
             because of my age, so I feel hopeless about it.  will recover soon.

             I did online shopping last week, but I haven’t   Just relax and calm down. If you believe in
          3  received my parcel yet. I feel angry about it.  yourself, you can overcome it easily.   c

             I  can’t  socialize  with  my  classmates  easily.  I   Just listen to the sound of the rain. That will
          4                                                                                          d
             feel shy and timid.                          make you calm down.

             I’ve  forgotten  to  congratulate  my  best   Why don’t you write a complaint letter to the
          5  friend’s birthday, and that makes me feel    seller? I think it will work.              e

             I feel nervous because my cat has been ill   Your age is not a big deal if you meet all
          6  for the last couple of days. To make matters   the prerequisites. Don’t lose your hope and   f
             worse, the vet’s advice doesn’t work.        energy.

             I worked hard to finish and submit my project   You  should  take  exercises  as  often  as
          7  on time. However, I got a low score and feel   possible. Being physically active will help you  g
             disappointed.                                feel better.

             I feel rather pessimistic when I think about all   Those exams will help you make progress.
          8  the exams I’ll take throughout my education,   You had better consider them this way.   h
             in particular, the university entrance exams.

             It’s been raining non-stop for the last couple   Don’t worry! It may happen to anyone.
          9  of days. I haven’t been able to go out and feel   Humans forget. I believe that your best friend   i
             bored.                                       will forgive you.

             I’ve had to sit a lot in front of the screen for   Get to know your friends more. Why don’t
         10  online classes since the beginning of the    you try to spend more time with them? You’ll   j
             pandemic. Having to sit all the time makes me   see that it helps. You can also see the school
             feel annoyed.                                counselor.

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