Page 6 - English12 | Activity book-5
P. 6
F1 Describing mood
F2 Making suggestions to change negative mood
12 GRADE F3 Following and giving instructions
3 Acrostical Moods
This activity aims to have students focus on adjectives used to describe feelings/moods.
Materials and Preparation
A piece of paper
1 Have students create as many adjectives as possible related to feelings using the letters in their
names as the initials.
E.g. For a student whose name is Selin, the adjectives could be as follows:
S hocked
E nergetic
L azy
I rritated
N ervous
2 Give them 3 minutes for this activity.
3 Monitor and guide them while they are carrying out the task.
4 Once they are finished, have them share their adjectives with the class and give opinions on whether
those adjectives are favorable or unfavorable, which is to prevent students from associating
themselves with an unfavorable adjective.
4 How Would You Feel?
The aim of this activity is to have students describe their moods in the situations given. It is expected to
help with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Materials and Preparation
Activity sheet on page 119
As a preparation, the teacher photocopies the activity sheet as many as the number of students.
1 Put students into pairs as Student A and Student B.
2 Hand out the activity sheet to each student in the class. Tell them to study the situations on the sheet
and write their answers.
3 Inform them that they can use either the moods given above the situations or their own words.
Remind them not to show their answers to their partners.
4 Once they are finished, have them share their answers.