Page 7 - English12 | Activity book-5
P. 7
F1 Describing mood
F2 Making suggestions to change negative mood
12 GRADE F3 Following and giving instructions
5 Mood Guesser
The aim of this activity is to have students describe various moods in English. With this activity, it is
expected to support students’ speaking skills in particular.
Materials and Preparation
No materials required
1 Divide the class into two groups as Group A and Group B.
2 Start with Group A. Tell the group members to choose one representative to stand in front of the
class, standing with her/his face toward the group.
3 Stand behind the representative, and then write one of the mood words from the list on the
board. Be sure that your handwriting is legible and big enough for students to see even at the
back of the class.
4 Then, tell the other members of Group A to describe the mood words for the representative one
by one.
E.g. You are deeply ... when you hear something unexpected. (shocked)
5 Remind them that they are not allowed to use any mimes and gestures in order to encourage them
to speak in English.
6 Once the representative makes a correct guess, the teacher moves on to the next word. For each
correct guess, award one point. For each incorrect guess, the group could say ‘‘pass’’ to move on
to a new mood word again in the next round.
7 Explain that both groups have 5 minutes and they should describe as many mood words as
possible in this time limit. In this process, assign students to keep time and watch others.
8 Then, move on to Group B.
9 At the end of all rounds, calculate the scores of each team and announce the higher scoring group
as the winner.
List of Mood Words
confused shocked angry happy upset calm
excited anxious hopeful embarrassed agitated irritated