Page 8 - English12 | Activity book-6
P. 8


                             F1  Making requests
         12 GRADE            F2  Accepting and declining requests
                             F3  Asking for and responding to favors
              7  Concentrate and Match

          The aim of this game is to have students practice accepting and declining requests. It is also expected to
          contribute to students in terms of everyday phrases.

          Materials and Preparation
          Concentration strips on page 146
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies and cuts out the sentences into strips so that each strip will
          have the dialog phrase on one person, as many as the number of groups.

          1  Put students into groups of four or five, depending on the size of the class.
          2  Hand out the sets of strips to groups; each group will have sixteen strips, eight of which are requests
             and the other eight are phrases related to accepting or declining them.
          3  Give the groups 10 minutes to match the strips to create meaningful dialogs.
          4  When they’re done, have them share their answers.
          5  Announce the group to finish first as the winner unless there are accuracy problems.

              8  I Need Your Help

          The activity aims to have students make, accept and/or decline requests using information-gap charts.
          It is also expected to help students improve their listening and speaking skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Information-gap charts on page 147
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies and cuts out the information-gap charts.

          1  Put students into pairs as Student A and Student B.
          2  Hand out the information-gap chart sets to each pair.
          3  Tell students to imagine that they are on summer holiday and their weekly schedules are the
             ones given on the information-gap charts. Then, have each student tick five of the tasks on the
             information-gap charts and request their partners to help them with these. The partner requested
             to help will accept if his/her weekly schedule allows. If the time of the task for which the request
             is  made  coincides  with  the  own  task  of  the  partner,  then  she/he  will  refuse  and  give  reasons.

             E.g.      Student A  Could you help me take care of my sister on Monday evening?
                      Student B  Of course.

                      Student A  Could you help me wash the car on Thursday morning?
                      Student B  I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m taking my bike to the repairman.

          4  Give students a suitable amount of time for the activity.

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