Page 18 - English12 | Activity book-8
P. 18


                       8 Cry Out Against It                                                12 GRADE

           Would it help if…?      No problem! I will…    Let me straighten      Is there any chance…?
                                                          this out and I will…

           This was because…       Unfortunately, this    Oh dear, I’ve just     I’m so sorry to say
                                   was unavoidable        noticed…               this but,…

           OK, what I will do is…  I’m sorry to trouble   Sorry to bother you,   Is there anything
                                   you, but…              but…                   else…?

           Please tell me exactly   I want to complain    I’m sorry to hear that…  Don’t get me wrong,
           what…                   about…                                        but I think...

           Don’t worry I will…     I suggest you leave it  Would you mind…?      I’m afraid I’ve got a
                                   with us, and we will…                         complaint about…

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