Page 4 - English 9 | Games and Activities-1
P. 4


         9 GRADE             F1   Meeting new people and introducing oneself and family members
                                Talking about possessions
                             F3   Asking for and giving directions
             1   Find Someone Who...
          This is an icebreaker activity which aims to help students remember and activate their previously learned
          vocabulary while they get to know each other.

          Materials and Preparation
          Copy and cut up the cards on page 16 and make sure that each student in the class has one.

          1  Hand out the copies of cards and tell students that they are supposed to choose seven questions
             to ask their classmates. Give them some time to work out which questions they would like to ask.
          2  If  you  wish/need  to  help  students  play  the  game  more  smoothly  and  set  an  example,  you  can
             demonstrate with the following:
             Find someone who...
                - can name three things we can wear.
                - can name two things we can find in the living room.
                - knows two words/phrases related to cooking.
         3  Ask students to walk around the classroom asking for answers to the questions they have chosen.
             Tell them that they can ask just one question every time they talk to a classmate in order to make
             sure that they talk to as many people as possible.
         4  Tell students to write down the answers they get to their questions along with the name of their
             classmate who has given them the answer.
         5  Stop the activity after 10 minutes even if students have not been able to find answers to all their
         6  Go through all the given questions by letting students read out one of the answers on his/her card.

             2   Pictionary on Board

          This activity aims to revise their previously learned vocabulary.
          Materials and Preparation
          White board/Smart board, board pen
          Copy and cut up the cards on page 17.

          1  Divide students into two groups. Create a small column for each team on one side of the board to
             record their points. Put the cards you have cut up in a bag.
          2  Have one student from Team A come up to the front and pick up a card. The student must convey
             the word to his/her team by drawings only. Remind them of not using words, symbols or hand
          3  Limit the time to three minutes. Each correct word is a point. If the answer is incorrect, put the card
             back in the bag.
          4  When the cards are over in the bag, calculate the points to announce the winner.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9