Page 7 - English 9 | Games and Activities-1
P. 7
9 GRADE F1 Meeting new people and introducing oneself and family members
Talking about possessions
F3 Asking for and giving directions
6 Lost ID Cards
This activity aims to have students ask for/give personal information while meeting new people.
Materials and Preparation
Mentally divide your class in half; copy and cut up enough person cards on page 22 for half of the
students and enough matching ID cards on page 23 for the other half.
1 If you think your students might not be familiar with some of the famous landmarks/symbols on
person cards, give them brief information about them before handing out the cards.
England – Big Ben India – Taj Mahal
Japan – Mount Fuji and Torii Russia – Saint Basil’s
Greece – Acropolis of Athens Egypt – The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
Italy – The Tower of Pisa France – The Eiffel Tower
2 In order to demonstrate how to play, take one of the ID cards and tell students that you have found a
lost ID card. Go up to one of your students. Ask “What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” “What’s
your nationality?” and then show him/her the ID card in your hand ask “Is this yours?” When s/he
says, “No”, sigh in a disappointed way and move on to repeat with another student.
3 After the demonstration, divide the class in half and ask half of the students to stand up and come to
the front. Give them the lost ID cards. Give the other half the person cards; ask them to remain seated.
Tell students that those who are standing have ID cards belonging to those who are seated. Ask
them to move around the classroom and ask the seated students “What’s your name?” “Where are
you from?” “What’s your nationality?” to find whom the ID card belongs to. When they think they
have found someone whose personal info matches that in the ID card, they need to ask, “Is this
yours?” If students have found the owner, they should give the card back to its owner and then sit
4 You can play the game once again by swapping the groups; those who were moving around the
classroom will now sit down and get the person cards and the others will get the lost ID cards.