Page 17 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 17
1 Expanding Vocabulary Knowledge (2) 9 GRADE
a b c d
to apply something to a person whose job is to bandage to support a long narrow piece
your skin, face, etc. help people who are sick an injured forearm; of cloth used for tying
or injured but who is not consisting of a wide around a part of the
a doctor or a nurse triangular piece of cloth body that has been hurt
hanging from around in order to protect or
the neck support it
e f g h
an instrument used the public organizations gloves made of rubber the normal temperature
for measuring the that deal with that you wear to protect inside a building
temperature of the air, a emergencies: the police, your hands, for example,
person’s body, etc. fire, ambulance and when you are washing
coastguard services up or gardening
i j k l
the date after which simple medical to begin to feel more a tool for cutting paper
an official document, treatment that is given relaxed and less or cloth, that has two
agreement, etc. is no to somebody before a emotional, or to make sharp blades (cutting
longer legally acceptable, doctor comes or before someone do this edges) with handles,
or after which something the person can be taken joined together in the
should not be used or to a hospital middle
m n o p
a pin with a point bent a substance that you a piece of material that to harm yourself
back towards the head, take in order to cure can be stuck to the skin or somebody else
that is covered when an illness, especially a to protect a small wound physically, especially in
closed so that it cannot liquid that you drink or or cut an accident
hurt you swallow
q r s t
a cold towel, ice bag, etc., to put something around a type of cover made of a small tool with two
applied to the body to something/somebody or covered with a very long, thin parts joined
reduce swelling, relieve thin sheet of metal, used together at one end,
pain, etc. for keeping people warm used for picking up
in emergency situations very small things or for
pulling out hairs
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