Page 14 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 14

9 GRADE                     Answer Keys & Audio Scripts

                 First Aid Treatment for Snake Bite           First Aid Treatment for Minor Cuts

             Call 112 to reach emergency services          Control bleeding by applying pressure to the
             immediately.                                  area with a clean towel.
             Have  the wounded person lie down.            Rinse the wound with clean, lukewarm water.
             Keep the person calm and at rest.             Bandage the wound using sterile gauze after
             Remove rings, watches, tight clothing from    you clean it.
             the area that was bitten.                     Do not use fluffy cotton that may stick to the
             Do not apply a tourniquet or ice.             wound.
             Wash the bite with soap and water.            Change the bandage whenever it becomes
             Cover the wound with a sterile bandage.       wet or dirty.
             Do not give the person alcohol or caffeinated   Get a tetanus shot if the wound is deep and
             drinks or any other medications.              dirty.
                                                           Watch for signs of infection such as increased
                                                           redness, warmth or swelling on the skin.

           Answer Key

           3 Rules and Prohibitions
             Group A                                       Group B

             1  You must/have to wear a mask when you      1  You mustn’t be in close contact with
                go out.                                       people./You  must  avoid  being  in  close
             2  You must/have to wash your hands often.       contact with people.
             3  You must/have  to keep distance/social     2  You must/have to stay home when you are
                distance.                                     sick.
             4  You must/have to disinfect indoor and      3  You must/have to cover your mouth and
                outdoor before touching something.            nose when you go out.
             5  You must/have to wear gloves in public     4  You must/have to clean/wash your hands
                transportations or at hospitals.              often.
             6  You mustn’t give people a handshake/       5  You mustn’t touch  your  eyes, nose or
                shake people’s hands.                         mouth./You must avoid touching your
             7  You mustn’t go to crowded places/be in        eyes, nose or mouth.
                crowded places. /You must avoid going to   6  You mustn't travel long distances./You
                crowded places/being in crowded places.       must avoid travelling.
             8  You must/have to consult a doctor if you
                have a symptom.

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  167
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