Page 10 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 10
F1 Asking for and giving advice
9 GRADE F2 Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
Talking about something that has happened recently
F4 Expressing obligations and prohibitions
9 Noughts and Crosses
This activity aims to help students to practise expressing obligations and prohibitions, making
suggestions and asking for and giving advice using the modal verbs.
Materials and Preparation
Print and cut up the cards on page 181. You will also need a whiteboard, a piece of chalk or a board
1 Divide the class into two teams and tell students that they will play the game noughts and crosses, a
simple game in which two players take turns putting O’s or X’s in a pattern of nine squares, trying to
get three O’s or X’s in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
2 Draw an empty noughts and crosses board.
3 Put the cards face down in the centre of the table to form a pile.
4 Flip a coin to decide which team starts the game.
5 Explain that the game consists of two steps. In the first step, each team takes turns to pick a card
from the pile and read out the phrase on it. Remind them that those who give correct answers can
move on to the next step and add an X or O to the noughts and crosses board. Players to complete
a row of three O’s or three X’s score a point for their teams.
6 Game continues until all the cards have been picked up. The team with the most points wins.
10 Advice Needed
This activity aims to help students to practise modal verbs for giving advice.
Materials and Preparation
You will need a dice for each group and a counter for each player for the game. Print the board game
on page 182 and make sure that each group in the class has one. Print and cut up the cards on page
183 and sort them into piles for each group.
1 Tell students that they are going to play a board game, and divide the class into groups of four.
2 Hand out a copy of the board game for each group and ask them to choose counters for themselves.
Any item or object in different colours can be used as a counter.
3 Tell students that they will roll the dice and move ahead by the number rolled.
4 Remind students that when they land on a space, they have to follow the given instructions on that
space such as skip the next turn or move back one space etc.
5 When they land on a ‘Pick a card!’ square, they will pick a card from the stack and give a piece
of advice for the identified problem on each card using should or shouldn’t. Remind students that
picked-up cards are not removed from the deck. They will put them at the bottom of it. Players can
move their counters forward only if they provide appropriate advice for the identified problems on
the cards. Those who cannot perform the task will go back to the ‘Start’ point.
6 The winner is the one who finishes the game first.
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