Page 7 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 7
F1 Asking for and giving advice
9 GRADE F2 Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
Talking about something that has happened recently
F4 Expressing obligations and prohibitions
5 Home Accidents
This activity aims to help students to give and understand simple instructions in case of emergency. It
also helps them to improve their speaking skills.
Materials and Preparation
Photocopy the worksheets on pages 174 and 175 for each group and cut up the cards.
1 Put the class into an even number of groups with four students and give each group a set of cards,
both the pictures worksheet and instructions worksheet. Point out to students that they are going
to study some instructions about how to help a person with burned skin.
2 Ask them to shuffle the pictures and their instructions very well. Tell them that all students in the
group will work collaboratively to match the pictures to their instructions. When they have finished
the activity, check the correct answers with the class.
3 Then, have students work with their group members to create a dialogue between a caller who
needs help and an emergency call operator using the instructions on the worksheet. When they
have finished it, let them act it out.
4 Ask students to work collaboratively again with the group members to think about and write down
what should be done as first aid treatment step by step when they have a friend with a sprained
ankle. Then, let them share the instructions they have written with the class.
6 In Case of Emergency
The aim of this activity is to help students to work collaboratively on a specific topic. It also helps them
to be aware of asking for and giving advice and expressing obligations and prohibitions.
Materials and Preparation
Photocopy the worksheet on page 176 just for yourself.
1 Put the class into groups with four students and ask them to prepare a blank paper. Point out to
students that you are going to show them four pictures separately, and they are going to write the
name of the emergency situation on their paper. Then, they are going to write down as many pieces
of advice as they can give for the situation in the picture in five minutes.
2 Remind them that they should use different expressions of giving advice such as ‘I think you should
..., You had better ..., You shouldn’t ..., Keep in mind ..., Remember you must/mustn’t ..., You have to ..., etc.’
Tell them that the other group is going to score a point for each correct and appropriate sentence
they have written.
3 Warn them that the groups should finish their tasks in five minutes. Once the groups have finished,
ask them to swap their papers with each other for marking. Teams score one point for each correct
and appropriate piece of advice. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
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