Page 5 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 5

                             THEME 8            HEALTH PROBLEMS

                             F1    Asking for and giving advice
         9 GRADE             F2    Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
                                Talking about something that has happened recently
                             F4    Expressing obligations and prohibitions
             1   Expanding Vocabulary Knowledge
          This activity aims to help students recall the vocabulary related to health problems and give and
          understand  simple  instructions  in  case of  emergency. It  also helps  them to be  aware of  the
          pronunciation of the words they have learned.
          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy the worksheets on pages 169 and 170 for each group of four and cut up the cards.

          1  Put the class into an even number of groups with four students and give each group a set of cards,
             both the words/phrases worksheet and meanings worksheet.
          2  Ask them to shuffle the words/phrases their meanings very well. Tell them that all students in the
             group will work collaboratively to match the words/phrases to their meanings. When they have
             finished the activity, check the correct answers with the class.
          3  Then, have students study the pronunciation of each word/phrase. Ask them to use their dictionaries
             or online dictionaries to check the correct pronunciation of the words/phrases.
          4  Ask students to listen to the pronunciation of the words/phrases carefully to check if they have
             mistakes or not. Play the audio and have them listen.
          5  After they have covered the meaning and pronunciation of the words/phrases ask them to use each
             word/phrase in a sentence to give and understand simple instructions in case of emergency—fire,
             earthquake, home accidents, rubbery, etc. Let them share their sentences with the class.

             2   First Aid Tips

          This activity aims for students  to revise the topic-related vocabulary and practise giving  and
          understanding simple instructions in case of emergency.

          Materials and Preparation
          Print and photocopy the worksheet on page 171 for each student.

          1  Ask students some questions to brainstorm and recall the topic-related vocabulary and to elicit the
             prior knowledge of students about the practice of first aid. For example, “Do you know what to do
             when someone faints? What are the things that you should and you should never do when you burn
          2  Hand out the worksheets to students.
          3  Explain that each clue sentence in the crossword puzzle is a step of first aid for minor cuts or snake
          4  Ask  them  to  work  in  pairs  to  complete  the  crossword  puzzle  with  the  verbs  missing  from  the
             sentences. Remind them that they must use imperative sentences while giving instructions.
          5  When they have finished the activity, let them sort the instructions based on whether they describe
             treatments for snake bite or minor cuts.
          6  Check the answers with the class.

             158  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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