Page 9 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 9
F1 Asking for and giving advice
9 GRADE F2 Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
Talking about something that has happened recently
F4 Expressing obligations and prohibitions
8 Be Safe!
This activity aims to help students to express obligations and prohibitions. It also helps them to recall
the vocabulary they have learned and use them in meaningful contexts.
Materials and Preparation
You will need the photos on pages 178-179 and the sentences on page 180. Print and cut up the
sentences and the photos before the class.
1 Divide the whiteboard into two columns and write the two topic titles on each column such as ‘Safety
Rules At Home’ and ‘Traffic Safety Rules’.
2 Hang the sentences that are related to the topics on the board at random.
3 Have students read all the sentences, and then ask them to put the sentences into the correct
4 Keep the sentences on display for later use.
5 Next, place the photos face down in the centre of the table to form a pile.
6 Draw a circle on the board and write the words 'Speak Button' inside the circle.
7 Tell students that they are going to play a game.
8 Then, divide the class into three or four teams and ask them to line up facing the board.
9 Explain that there are 20 photos in the pile that are related to the sentences displayed on the board.
Pick the top photo from the pile and show it to the teams each time. Remind them that when you
show the photo, the first players of the teams should run to the board and race to touch the speak
button on the board.
10 The first player to touch the button expresses the obligation shown in the photo using must and
mustn’t such as “You must turn pot handles away from the front of the cooker.” or “You mustn’t take
your hands or head out of a moving vehicle.” The team scores one point for each correct sentence.
11 The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
162 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı