Page 11 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 11
F1 Asking for and giving advice
9 GRADE F2 Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
Talking about something that has happened recently
F4 Expressing obligations and prohibitions
11 Guess Where I am!
This activity aims to help students to practise using modals of obligation and prohibition.
Materials and Preparation
Print and cut up the cards on page 184.
1 Divide the class into groups of four.
2 Hand out five different cards for each group.
3 Ask the groups to write three sentences on each card describing the things that would be appropriate
or inappropriate for the given situations using modals of obligation and prohibition, or the things
that people must, mustn’t, should, have to, don’t have to or cannot do at the given places. Remind
them that they will not mention what the places are in their sentences.
4 Then, explain that the groups take turns reading their sentences to the class.
5 Encourage students to guess the places or the situations described by each group.
12 How Observant Are You?
This activity aims to help students to practise talking about something that has happened recently.
Materials and Preparation
Bring some objects from home such as a ball, a soft toy, books, posters, maps, photographs or flowers
to make your game more fun, and place them around the classroom before the lesson starts.
1 Tell students that they are going to play a game, and divide the class into three teams.
2 Explain that, in turn, one student from each team leaves the classroom for one minute. Ask them
to examine the positions of the objects before they go out of the classroom. Students from other
teams change two things in the classroom when the student is out, e.g. they clean the whiteboard
or put the teddy bear on a chair, etc.
3 Ask the students what have been changed in the room when they come back. They have to identify
the two changes and state them by using the present perfect tense, such as “You have moved the
table in the corner of the classroom.” or “You have put the vase on the floor.” Remind the team
members not to show the object, speak or give a hint to the player during the game.
4 The team scores one point for each correct sentence. The team with the most points when time is
up wins the game.
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