Page 8 - English 9 | Games and Activities-8
P. 8
F1 Asking for and giving advice
9 GRADE F2 Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
Talking about something that has happened recently
F4 Expressing obligations and prohibitions
7 Life Recently
The aim of this activity is to help students talk about something that has happened recently. It also
helps them to organise their thoughts in a short time while speaking in real-life situations.
Materials and Preparation
Photocopy the board game on page 177 for each pair of students.
1 Hand out the board game to each pair of students. Ask them to read the board game before starting
to play it so that they can be familiar with the topic and the vocabulary used. If they have any
challenges with the words or phrases, let them use a dictionary.
2 Point out to students that they are going to need an eraser that can move easily on the board game,
and they are going to flick the eraser up the board game in turns. Once the eraser places on a phrase,
the student should then talk about the topic on the hexagon for 20 seconds without stopping. If a
student can’t think of anything to say or stops talking before the 20 seconds are up, they miss a turn.
3 Tell them that the student who flicks the eraser talks about the topic on that area even if they have
not had the experience mentioned. In such situations, remind them they will talk about why they
have not experienced the given situation.
4 Tell them that the student who flicked the eraser can write his/her name on that hexagon if s/he
makes sentences and speaks for 20 seconds without stopping. Remind them that if the eraser goes
out of the hexagons, they miss a turn. At the end of the activity, the student with the most areas is
the winner.
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