Page 12 - English 9 | Games and Activities-9
P. 12

9 GRADE                    Answer Keys & Audio Scripts

           Answer Key

           3 Shopping for Clothes

           Answer Key

           5 On the Phone

              A                     A                      A                     A
            Hello, this is Arwa.   When will he be back?  I’m sorry. Could you   This line is terrible.
            May I speak with Norris                      please say that again?  You’re breaking up.
            Albert, please?
              B                        B                   B                     B
            I’m sorry. He is out of   Probably, he will be back  Yes, I said could you   OK. I’ll call you back on
            the office now.        at 15.30 p.m.         ask him to call me this   another line.

              A                        A                   A                     A
            Would you like to leave   Of course. Does he have  Would you mind spelling  Could you hold the line,
            a message?             your number?          your last name for me?  please?

              B                     B                      B                     B
            Yes, could you ask him   He has my office number,   Yes, D as in dog–double   Yes, I’ll wait.
            to call me back as soon   but let me also give you   E–R as in rain–S as in
            as possible? It’s pretty   my mobile number–it’s   sun. DEERS
            urgent.                431-765-10381.

              A                     A                      A                     A
            And, could you please   Let me read that back to  Hello, can I speak to   May I speak to Mrs
            ask him to email me?   you–431-765-10381.    Claire, please?       Green in the accounting
                                                                               department, please?
              B                     B                        B                   B
            Yes, I’ll make sure he   That’s right.       Yes, speaking.        Hold the line, please.
            gets your message.                                                 I'll put you through in a

              A                     A                      A                     A
            Thanks for calling. Have   I phoned a moment ago,  Good morning. Is Dr   Thanks for your interest.
            a nice day.            but I was cut off.    Martin available, please?  Bye for now.

              B                     B                      B                     B
            Thanks. You too.       I do apologise.       One moment, please. I'll  It’s my pleasure. Bye.
                                                         see if he's available.

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