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                               T A P E S C R I P T S
                                                                                    ACTIVITY SHEETS

                                                  T H E M E  6                                                                                                   T H E M E  7

                      TRACK 6

             Presenter: Good evening, everyone. Today our guest is Ms Freya Green, the author of “Some Little Things,”
                       which is still number 1 on the best-seller list. Welcome to our program, Ms Green. Great to see you
                       here. Your personal development books are top-rated among young readers and your last book is
                       really imposing. Well, what was the motivation that made you write this book?
             Ms Green: Good evening. Thanks for inviting me. You know, selfish behaviours have increased especially
                       among young adults, and they are incredibly intolerant of each other. We often ignore these
                       reactions due to our daily lives’ fast flow, but I do believe young people should be guided to build
                       healthier relationships in order not to regret their behaviours.
             Presenter: Have you had any such incidents that made you regret?
             Ms Green: Sure! All of us can experience similar things along the way. A short while ago, I got together with an
                       old friend, Anna, after nine years of silence. We were best friends in high school and college years.
                       Then, right after we graduated, we got into a nasty fight for a job application, and we never spoke
                       again. She applied for a post in a company which she knew how badly I wanted. This hit me like a
                       ton of bricks. I always said to myself, “She shouldn’t have applied for this job.” or “She could have
                       found another job,” or “She shouldn’t have been my competitor.”
             Presenter: And, what happened in the end?
             Ms Green: Haha. The result was surprising! In the end, neither of us got the job. Someone else was accepted.
                       When I found that out, I called Anna, but she didn’t answer my call. I think she was mad at me, too.
                       I was so upset, and I thought, “I shouldn’t have acted like that.” Time passed by, and our lives took
                       us to brand new places. I started writing. She became a great drama teacher, and she’s incredibly
                       talented in her field.
             Presenter: Oh. Amazing. Did you have a chance to talk about the unfortunate incident when you met?
             Ms Green: Yes, we did. Everyone got their share. She said, “I knew how badly you wanted that job; I shouldn’t
                       have applied there.”. “No, you had the right to apply; I shouldn’t have taken things so personally.” I
                       replied. Now everything’s back to the way it was, and after such a long break, we’re still each
                       other’s best friends.
             Presenter:  A happy ending. Thank you for joining us. I hope this experience may be a guide for our

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