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P. 16
COMPETENCES • Students will be able to scan online and printed newspaper articles about well-known people to find out personal details. COMPETENCES • Students will be able to distinguish the main idea from supporting details in a text about the effects of values on societies.
1 Read the magazine article below and complete the blanks with the given sentences.
a. His remarkable gift of writing made Rumi the best-selling poet in the USA
b. We may not share the same values and norms
c. They see a situation from multiple perspectives
Literature makes us better thinkers, Collins added. What Rumi said about love, respect, and
and it teaches us to be more human. empathy really shifts the way we perceive the world. In his
Kids can learn personal values like lines, he points out that life is a journey. During this journey,
honesty, loyalty and responsibility if we turn towards the truth, grow through love, and
through tales and fables. They empathize abandon the ego, we find the true human inside us, and we
with characters to feel their joys and arrive at the point of being perfect. He teaches us how
pain. Teens can learn universal values religions and societies can live together in peace and
such as peace, equal human rights, harmony. “We, as humans, share a humbling commonality.
and dignity through novels and We breathe. We are often so blinded by
plays. (1)_________. Young adults our differences, and we forget we are
can learn moral values like respect, all the same. (3)_________, but
tolerance, and love through poetry. we all belong to the same
They understand the complexity of community, a global breathing
human nature. Some inspiring poets whose lines encourage community,” Rumi said. These
deep thought and reasoning really show us truths about lines are really powerful, and
humanity. The 13 -century eastern philosopher and the it’s obvious that the power
Muslim poet Rumi, known as Mevlana, continues to inspire of literature affects all of us.
countless people from different cultures across centuries. Literature is, without a
“The more we read Rumi’s poems, the more we are aware doubt, more than reading
of ourselves and the world around us,” said Harry Collins, a and writing. A piece of
sociologist from Cardiff University. “His poetry has not only writing can help us
been received in Muslim societies, but has also been become better persons.
appreciated in other countries. (2)_________, so he was
declared one of the most popular poets in the states,”
P rofessor
2 Choose the best title for the article.
a. Do Values Make Us Understand What Is Right or What Is Wrong?
2 Read the article again and tick the correct information. b. Can We Learn to Be Human Through Literature?
c. How Do We Reach Inner Peace and Happiness?
3 Reread the article to choose the main idea.
a. If someone has a good moral like Rumi, then that person will be able to live his life full of good values and
vice versa.
b. Reading Rumi’s poetry expands our knowledge, and provides a great escape to somewhere new and
c. Literature isn’t just about reading and writing as it’s clearly seen in Rumi’s lines. It’s about life, citizenship, and
the value of being a good person.
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