Page 8 - Liseye Hoşgeldin - İngilizce
P. 8

Crossword Puzzle

               Do the puzzle about the jobs and find the keyword.

              The names of the places in our neighbourhood are:  pharmacy, library, theatre, supermarket, bank,
              hospital, post office, museum, cinema, restaurant, clothes shop, shopping mall, cafe, leisure centre, etc.

        ACROSS                                                   DOWN

        3. You can get on the plane there.                       1. You go there to read or borrow books.
        6. You can buy medicine there.                           2. You go there to watch movies.

        7. You can buy food and drinks there.                    4. You can eat a meal there.

        9. You can buy newspapers and magazines there.           5. You can buy books there.

        10. You go there to see important cultural, historical, or   8. You can watch plays there.
        scientific objects.

                                                        1         2          3          4           5         6

                                             ORTAÖĞRETİM    8 İNGİLİZCE
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13