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3B Modeller
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Yönetici/Öğretmen Kütüphanesi
Mobil Uygulamalar:
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Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi Kitapları
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Çalışma Defterleri
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Oyun ve Etkinlik Kitapları
Liseye Hoş Geldin
Beceri Temelli Kitaplar
Soru Bankası
YKS Hazırlık
MEBİ Konu Özeti Kitapları
Dört Dörtlük Konu Pekiştirme Testleri
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YKS Çıkmış Sorular
Ders Anlatım
Konu Özetleri
Ders Anlatım Sunuları
Ders Anlatım Videoları
Yazılıya Hazırlanıyorum
3B Modeller
Dinamik Uygulamalar
Etkileşimli Uygulamalar
Yönetici ve Öğretmen Kütüphanesi
Canlı Felsefe Sözlüğü
Şairlerin Dilinden
Aktif Sözlük
Söz Varlığımız: Atasözleri
Söz Varlığımız: Deyimler
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Düşünüyorum Etkinlikleri
Kendini Değerlendir
10. Sınıf
11. Sınıf
12. Sınıf
9. Sınıf (2017-23 Müfredatı)
Soru Bankası
11. Sınıf
Soru Getir
Kendi Testini Oluştur
İngilizce Soru Bankası | Ünite ve Kazanımlar
Tümünü Seç
Future Jobs
.- Making plans and predictions
.- Making an appointment
.- Talking on the phone
E 11.1.L.1. Students will be able to detect factual information about job related topics in a recorded text.
E 11.1.P.1. Students will be able to practice contraction of “will” and “am/is/are, going to” in positive and negative sentences.
E11.1.S2. Students will be able to make an appointment on the phone.
E11.1.R1.Students will be able to analyze different job ads from newspapers/websites to match them with CVs.
E11.1.R2. Students will be able to find the main idea of a text on successful entrepreneurs of the 21st century.
E11.1.W1. Students will be able to write CVs/Letters of intent for different job applications.
E11.1.S1. Students will be able to talk about future plans and predictions.
Hobbies and Skills
.- Expressing likes, dislikes and interests
.- Expressing preferences
.- Talking about present and past abilities
E11.2.L1 Students will be able to build relationships between the conversations in a recorded text and pictures about the people’s likes, dislikes, interests and preferences.
E11. 2. P1Students will be able to pronounce plural and third person “-s” sounds. Eg. drinks / drıŋks / sings /sıŋz/ wishes /wıʃız/
E11.2.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about their present and past abilities.
E11.2.R1. Students will be able to identify lexis and expressions related to past abilities in a text.
E11.2.R2. Students will be able to paraphrase information in a text about people’s choices.
E11.2.S1. Students will be able to take part in a dialogue about likes dislikes, interests and preferences.
E11.2.W1. Students will be able to write a paragraph about their interests and abilities.
Hard Times
.- Describing events happening at the same time in the past
.- .Explaining people’s habits in the past
E11.3.L1.Students will be able to recognize vocabulary indicating the sequence of events in a recorded text/video.
E11.3.L2. Students will be able to identify the events happening at the same time in the past in a recorded text/video.
E11.3.P1. Students will be able to differentiate between rising and falling intonation.
E11.3.S1. Students will be able to talk about past habits.
E11.3.S2. Students will be able to talk about a personal experience in the past.
E11.3.R1. Students will be able to answer the questions about a text on people’s habits and experiences in the past.
E11.3.R2.Students will be able to analyze a short story (plot, setting, climax, characters etc.) to summarize it.
E11.3.R3. Students will be able to identify thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting points and examples in a given sample essay about a challenge.
E11.3.W1.Students will be able to complete the missing parts of a short story with their own words.
What a Life
.- Describing places, people, and events in the past
.- Ordering events
.- Talking about personal experiences in the past
E11.4.L1. Students will be able to identify expressions related to ordering past events in a recorded text.
E11.4.P1.Students will be able to practice pronunciation of ed sounds following voiced and unvoiced consonant sounds and following /t/-/d/ sounds.
E11.4.S1. Students will be able to share their personal experiences in the past.
E11.4.S2. Students will be able to describe places, people and events in the past.
E11.4.R1. Students will be able to order the events in the biography of a famous person/ inventor/ scientist/ celebrity.
E11.4.W1. Students will be able to write an essay about a well-known figure from Turkish history.
Back to the Past
.- Expressing wishes and regrets for past events
.- Talking about unreal past events
E11.5.L1. Students will be able to identify expressions related to unreal past events in a recorded text.
E11.5.L2. Students will be able to determine relevant or/and irrelevant information in a recorded text/video about wishes and regrets.
E11.5.P1.Students will be able to practice contraction of had/would. E.g. I’d: I had/ I would
E11.5.S1. Students will be able to talk about their regrets and wishes about past events.
E11.5.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about unreal past events.
E11.5.R1. Students will be able to analyze a text to distinguish the expressions used to express wishes, regrets and unreal past.
E11.5.W1. Students will be able to write their opinions and regrets according to #Iwish.
Open Your Heart
.- Expressing degrees of certainty in the past
.- Expressing the criticism for the events in the past
E11.6.L1. Students will be able to find out the speakers’ moods and purposes (deduction or criticism) by using the contextual clues in a recorded text or video.
E11.6.P1. Students will be able to practice the pronunciation of “contraction in past modals”. Eg. could have – could’ve
E11.6.S1. Students will be able to criticize an action in the past.
E11.6.S2. Students will be able to express their inferences from the results of events in the past.
E11.6.R1. Students will be able to draw conclusions for the past events in a text.t.
E11.6.W1. Students will be able to write a letter to criticize an event/organization.
Facts About Türkiye
.- Talking about landmarks and monuments
.- Describing cities and historic sites
.- Asking for and giving more detailed information
E11.7.L1. Students will be able to recognize information about the description of a monument or a historic site in a recorded text.
E11.7.P1. Students will be able to practice the pronunciation of /wǝz/ and /wɒz/
E11.7.S1. Students will be able to give a presentation on a monument or historical site.
E11.7.S2. Students will be able to interview with a friend to get detailed information about places he/she has visited.
E11.7.R1. Students will be able to find out specific information in a text describing historical sites in Türkiye.
E11.7.W1. Students will be able to write a blog post recommending places to visit in Türkiye.
.- Reporting news
.- Making interview
.- Talking about sports
E11.8.L1. Students will be able to identify the lexis and jargon about extreme sports in a recorded text.
E11.8.P1. Students will be able to practice rising and falling intonation in questions.
E11.8.S2. Students will be able to ask questions to make an interview with a sportsperson.
E11.8.R1. Students will be able to analyze a text involving different kinds of extreme sports to reorder the scrambled paragraphs.
E11.8.W1. Students will be able to write a report on the interview they have made.
My Friends
.- Describing events, places and people
.- Asking for and giving clarification
E11.9.L1. Students will be able to organize specific information in a narrative about a person or an event.
E11.9.P1.Students will be able to practice the pronunciation of assimilation- elision.
E11.9.S1. Students will be able to ask and answer questions to clarify a well-known / common person or a place.
E11.9.R1. Students will be able to scan online and printed newspaper articles about well-known people to find out personal details.
E11.9.W1. Students will be able to write a text about their teachers and friends for a school magazine.
E11.9.W2. Students will be able to write a booklet to describe their hometown.
Values and Norms
.- Expressing opinions
.- Exchanging ideas
.- Making comments
E11.10.L1. Students will be able to identify the topic and the main idea of a recorded text/video.
E11.10.P1. Students will be able to practice the sounds of /i:/ and /aı/. e.g. neither /ˈnaiðər/, either /ˈaiðər/
E11.10.S1. Students will be able to exchange ideas about values and practices.
E11.10.S2. Students will be able to make comments about moral values and norms in different cultures.
E11.10.R1. Students will be able to distinguish the main idea from supporting details in a text about the effects of values on societies.
E11.10.W1. Students will be able to write an essay about the importance and effects of values and norms in society.
E11.10.W2. Students will be able to write slogans about spiritual, moral and social values.
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