Page 5 - Hazirlik 9 | 2. ünite
P. 5

b  Read the paragraphs below and match them to
               the pictures.
                                                                        e  Actually, I didn’t have any intention
                    a  When I reached there, I put the fish
                next  to  my  tent.  After  that,  I  began  to  wait   salmon, too! I thought it was just my cup of
                                                                   to visit there until I saw a stunning poster

                for the other campers to show my big catch.
                                                                   last year. I was walking along the corridor at
                 Suddenly,  I  heard  that  strange  noise  again!
                                                                  school when I saw a poster of a camping and
                 When  I  looked  around,  I  saw  a  huge  bear
                                                                  fishing event in Anchorage, Alaska. There
                 staring at me! I was frightened and shocked!
                                                                  was a competition for catching the biggest
                  I had no time to get the fish and I decided to
                  run through the trees as fast as I could.
                                                                 tea and decided to participate in it. I  packed
                                                                 up my equipment and bought tickets. Three

                    b                                            days later, I was at the camping area.
                         When I saw them, I decided to take
                 action and wore my coat and boots. I packed
                                                                     f  First, I found a place to set up my tent
                                                                and build a fire. It was snowing so heavily that
                 up  my  equipment  and  paddled  the  canoe
                                                                I could hardly see anything around. Most of
                 along the river. Then, I found a perfect place
                                                                 the  tents  were  built  across  the  river  by  the
                 with lots of jumping fish and I threw the fishing
                                                                 campers, but I stayed far from them because
                rod into the lake. After a while, the rod began
                                                                 I  needed  an  isolated  place  near  the  river  to
                to shake. I held it strongly and pulled the fish
                                                                 catch the biggest salmon. While I was setting
                out of the water. I couldn’t believe my eyes! It
                                                                 up my tent, I heard a strange noise from the
                was the biggest salmon I had ever seen in my
                                                                 bushes,  but  I  ignored  it  because  I  was  very
                life! I took it and rowed back to the camp.
                                                                 tired.  I  wanted  to  have  a  rest  as  soon  as
                                                                 possible. I slept till morning and when I woke
                  c  I found a safe place to hide among the      up, campers were getting ready to go fishing.
            trees and began to spy on the bear. In the end,
             the  bear  ate  the  fish  and  went  away.  I  tried
             to  hide  in  the  forest  until  the  campers  came
             back. When they came, I told them the whole      c  Read the paragraphs again and answer the
             story,  but  they  didn’t  believe  and  laughed  at   questions.
             me all day. The winner of the competition was       1  Why did Ryan go to Alaska?
             someone  else  and  his  fish  wasn’t  bigger  than
              mine. I learnt from that experience; I watch my    2  What did he do first when he arrived at the
              back twice now and try to be more careful than       camping area?


                                                                 3  Where did he put the fish he caught?
                                                                 4  What did he see when he looked around?
                           Hi!  I’m  Ryan  from  Canada.  I’m

                    a student and an adventurer. I like being
                   outdoors. Fishing in winter is my favourite
                                                                 5  What happened to the fish that Ryan caught?
                   activity  and  I’m  obsessed  with  catching
                   the biggest fish ever. Trouble has a way of
                                                                 6  Why did the campers laugh at Ryan?
                   finding me in any action I take. Probably,
                  the worst one was my trip to Alaska two
                  years ago.

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