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                                                               nervously and opened the door. Guess what? There
                    Lead in                                   was no one in the class. Suddenly, I realised that it
                                                               was Saturday. While I was going back grumbling, I saw
                                                               the headmaster again. He was smiling at me and said
                                                               “Are you making practice to be on time?” All in all, I
                   Discuss the following questions with your friends.   humiliated myself because of my habit of being late.
                1  What does the expression ‘those were the days’     Barış, 27

                   mean?                                         When I was a student, I used to work as a cashier at
                2  Are you familiar with the proverb ‘Sweet is the   a shop after school. It was a great experience for me.
                   memory of past labour’? Do you agree with   I used to learn something new, every day. There were

                   that? Why/ Why not?                         funny and humorous moments, too. If I am to tell the
                                                               most unforgettable one for me, I guess, it is the one
                                                               with a weird man who wanted to buy a pair of shoes.
                                                               One  day,  I  was  at  work,  dealing  with  customers.  A
                           Reading                             middle-aged man entered the shop and asked one of

                                                               the sales assistants where the winter shoes were. She
                                                               showed him the department. After he tried some of
               a  Discuss the following questions with your    them on, he decided on a pair. He came to the checkout
                  partner.                                     with a big smile on his face and gave me the shoes.
                   1  What is the funniest experience you have   While I was packing the shoes, he said “They are forty

                     ever had?                                 Turkish Liras, aren’t they?” Being surprised, I checked
                                                               the price and told him that they cost 120 Turkish Liras.
                   2  Look at the photos. Try to guess what the   He unpacked the shoes, showed me under them and
                     following anecdotes are about? What can   said “But here it says Size 40”. I couldn’t tell anything
                     you tell about their feelings looking at the   for a few seconds. Then, I smiled and explained him

                      photos?                                  the  meaning  of  ‘size’  in  English.  I  can’t  forget  that
                                                               moment and the disappointment on his face.
               b  Read the anecdotes and try to guess the meanings
                  of the highlighted words.

                 Abigail, 22

                 I didn’t use to be on time anywhere in the past and
               that led to many problems. When I was at high school,
               I  was  always  late  for  school  and  my  teachers  were
               complaining about that. The headmaster warned me
               not to be late. I was really trying to come on time,
               but couldn’t help it. One day, when I woke up, there
               were just ten minutes left for school time. I jumped
               out of bed and put my clothes on. I left the house
               quickly and ran to school. When I entered the school
               garden, I was ten minutes late. I went into the school,
               hoping to get into the class before the teacher. I saw
               the headmaster at the end of the corridor, but went
               directly upstairs to the class. I knocked on the door

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