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P. 11


               a  Discuss the following questions with your partner.
                  1  Do you have a funny memory from your primary

                    school years?
                  2  What kind of activities did you do in Arts and Crafts?

               b  Read  the  following  anecdote  and  underline  c  Look at the words and phrases below. Write
                  the  time  phrases,  beginning  and  concluding   them in the correct columns. Some of them can
                  expressions.                                  be used in more than one column.
                 I’m a trouble magnet. Weird things always happen     in other words          every other day
               to me wherever I go. Listen to this! When I was ten       as        in short         one day
               years  old  and  a  primary  school  student,  on  one     after a long time        finally
               of school days, our teacher told us to bring some       while          when I was...     once
               materials to make a ‘Grass Head’. The next day, I           two years ago        after that
               went  to  a  store  and  bought  the  necessary  things     first of all       when      whenever I...
               for the activity before I went to school. In the last     last year     in those days       first
               lesson,  we  started  to  do  the  activity.  We  put  the     I remember when…      then
               grass seeds carefully into the socks with our teacher.     to conclude       to start with
               After that, we put them in front of the window. We     second       in the past          yesterday
               were so impatient that we couldn't help checking      after all       all in all           to sum up
               and  watering  them  almost  every  day.  After  two
               weeks, some of them started to get green, but mine   Beginning   Concluding       Time
               didn't. After a few days, every sock got green, but   Phrases    Phrases        Phrases
               mine  was  still  bald.  I  was  both  disappointed  and
               confused. After about three weeks, when I totally   one day
               forgot  about  it,  one  of  my  friends  called  me  and
               showed  my  Grass  Head.  It  wasn’t  bald  any  more
               and you know what? The hair was curly as it was
               actually  a  Lettuce  Head!  The  store  had  sold  me
               lettuce  seeds!  After  all,  my  classmates  made  fun
               of  it  for  a  very,  very  long  time.  I  felt  uneasy  and
               embarrassed those days, but when I look back now,
               it sounds cute and makes me smile. You know, they
               say “sweet is the memory of past labour ”.

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