Page 15 - Hazirlik 9 | 2. ünite
P. 15

shelter, and comfort for the people during his journey   d  Answer the following questions.
              in the name of a peasant woman, Dulcinea del Toboso,
              whom he considered a princess.                      1  What caused Alonso Quixano to lose his
                 He  and  Sancho  were  on  their  way  when  Don    mind?
              Quixote  saw  windmills.  Thinking  them  to  be  giants
              that harmed people, he battled against them and got   2  How did Quixote get honoured with
              wounded seriously. Although Sancho tried to warn him   knighthood?
              about his strange behaviours, he still believed in Don
              Quixote’s dreams and visions. After a few adventures,   3  What was the reason behind Quixote’s fight
              Sancho  started  to  trust  his  lord,  Don  Quixote,  and   with a group of merchants?
              wanted  him  to  achieve  his  goals.  Sancho  therefore
              tried  to  do  his  best  for  his  lord.  On  their  way,  they   4  For what purpose did Sancho Panza accept
              ran across two herds of sheep and he thought there     Quixote’s offer?
              was a battle between two armies and decided to help
              the weak one. While Don Quixote was battling with   5  How did Quixote’s battle with windmills end?
              the herd, the shepherd saw him and fought with him.
              After  that,  he  got  wounded  severely  again.  Another   6  What led Don Quixote to realise who he really
              adventure of theirs was to rescue Dulcinea from the    was?
              enchanters, which was entirely a lie of Sancho. Don
              Quixote fought with a mysterious Knight of the White
              Moon,  who  won  the  battle.  The  winner  demanded
              that Quixote and Sancho return to their village.   e  Think about the characters, theme, setting and
                 When  they  arrived  home,  Don  Quixote  became   the plot you have read. Write them in the table
              ill and remembered who he was in the real world. He   below.
              announced that he was not Don Quixote, but Alonso
              Quixano. Being quite old and ill, he died in his own                    Characters
              village among his friends.                          D

                                        Miguel de Cervantes       O

                                                                  N                     Theme

           c  Match  the  highlighted  words  in  the  text  to  the
              definitions below.
                                                                  Q                     Setting
              1                     : a man of high social rank
                 who fought as a soldier on a horse in the past   U
              2                     : to behave as if something
                 is true when it is not                           I
              3                     : metal clothes worn by                               Plot
                 soldiers in the past when fighting               X
              4                     : (especially in the past, or in
                 poorer countries) a small farmer or farm labourer  O
              5                     : to begin a journey          T
              6                     : belief in something that is
                 not true                                         E
              7                     : a person who uses magic,
                 especially to control people

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