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P. 14


                    Lead in

                  Discuss the following questions with your friends.

                1  Do you think dreams play an important role in
                  our lives? Why/ Why not?
                2  Do you know anyone around you who has
                   impossible dreams? What kinds of dreams have
                   they got?
                3  What role do books play in our lives? Have you
                   ever been influenced by a character of a book
                   you read?                                     of  people  with  his  own  horse,  Rosinante,  which
                                                                 was  skinny  and  weak,  but  he  thought  it  was  the
                                                                 fastest, best and most powerful horse in the world.
                                                                 He  thought  all  knights  had  a  beautiful  woman  that
                           Reading                               supported them in every aspect of life. On his way, he
                                                                 saw an ugly peasant girl, Dulcinea, but he regarded
                                                                 her as a very beautiful girl from a noble family and as
              a  Discuss the following questions with your partner.  his love. The last thing he was supposed to do was to

                 1  Have you read Don Quixote before? If yes, what   be declared a knight officially. Thus, he went to an inn
                    do you remember about the story?             which he considered a castle and its innkeeper a lord
                 2    Look  at the photo and talk about it with your   and requested the man to give him a rank of honour.
                                                                 The innkeeper figured out how mad Quixote was and
                    friends.                                     pretended to be a lord and honoured Quixote with
                                                                     He,  again,  set  off  for  Spain  to  look  for  new
             b  Read the text below and try to guess the meanings   adventures.  He  crossed  over  mountains,  green
                of the highlighted words.                        highlands and walked through forests. On his three-
                              DON QUIXOTE                        day  journey,  he  came  across  a  group  of  merchants
                                                                 and tried to persuade them how incredibly beautiful
                   Living in the 17  century, Alonso Quixano was a   Dulcinea was. They refused to accept Dulcinea’s great
                middle-aged man who liked reading chivalry books   beauty, so he fought with them. He came back home
                and  admired  knights  riding  on  horses  and  their   to  recover  as  he  was  badly  beaten  and  wounded.
                adventurous  lives.  He  was  mad  about  fantasies   Quixote’s  friends,  who  were  a  barber  and  a  priest,
                described  in  these  stories  and  he  started  to  be   were aware of his delusions and they tried to persuade
                incredibly  obsessed  with  knighthood,  losing  his   him to give up his impossible dreams and burnt all his
                mind. He believed that the whole world had to be   books about knighthood. However, that only caused
                rescued from the evil and the only person that could   Quixote  to  show  stronger  determination.  After  the
                achieve that was himself.                        failure  of  battling  with  merchants,  he  persuaded
                   He  changed  his  name  to  Don  Quixote,  put  on   Sancho Panza, who was a fat farmer and not a very
                a suit of armour, imagined himself as a real knight   smart neighbour of Quixano, to be sidekick of him,
                and started to live in his dream world. Besides, he   promising to turn Sancho into one of the richest men
                would do whatever a knight had to do. He set off to   in  the  country.  After  that,  Sancho  and  Quixote  got
                travel round the world to get it rid of all wrongdoings   together to have new adventures. He provided food,

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