Page 10 - Hazirlik 9 | 2. ünite
P. 10


                                                               b  Listen to the text carefully and circle the correct
                          Listening                               words or phrases.  Track 8
                                                                  1  Children would play/ used to play/ played in
               a  Discuss the following questions with your partner.  the streets all day and have fun.
                                                                  2  People used to share all they had/ their
                  1  Do you think life was better or worse when      photos/ their money.
                     you were a child? Why?
                                                                  3  It was quite usual/ unusual/ cheap to see a
                  2  Suppose that you had a time machine and you     man going up the roof to fix the aerial in those
                     could go past in time, which years and where    days.
                     would you go? Why?
                                                                  4  Children were lucky and cool if they used to
                  3  Which years do you think the following photos   have a mobile phone/ walkman/ bike.
                     are from?
                                                                  5  The text is about the 1960s and 1970s/ the
                                                                     1980s and 1990s/ today.
                                                                  6  Students used to wear black/ blue/ white
                                                                     uniforms at school.
                                                                  7  The narrator thinks that in those days,
                                                                     everything was more dangerous/ comfortable/

                                                               c  Listen to the audio again and write three things
                                                                  people used to do in the 1980s and 1990s.


                                                                             IDIOM OF THE DAY

                                                                    Read the dialogue and try to remember the
                                                                    meaning of the bold expression. How do you
                                                                    express this in your own language?

                                                                    Miriam: They say high school years are the
                                                                                    best years of your life. Do you
                                                                    Cecil:      I totally agree with that. I wish I had
                                                                                    a time machine and somehow
                                                                                    turned back the hands of time.   ,,
                                                                                    I really miss those blissful days.

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