P. 100



          a) Read the dialogues, write the names of the people under the correct pictures in Part A and write the letter of the
            dialogue under the correct picture in ‘Part B’.
                                                                                              Part - A
                                            DIALOGUE A
           Operator:  It’s 1-1-2. What is your emergency?                          1
           Stacey:   My friend has fallen down the stairs. It is very high, so he has been badly injured.
           Operator: Can you describe his situation?
           Stacey:   I guess he has broken his leg. He says his leg hurts.
           Operator:  Could you tell us your address, please?
           Stacey:   Downtown Street, Number 18.
           Operator:  Tell your friend that he shouldn’t move his leg. The team is on the way.
           Stacey:  OK.
                                            DIALOGUE B
           Operator:  Emergency operator. State your emergency, please.
           Kevin:   There is a big fire in the forest very near to some houses in the area.
           Operator: Can you give us the exact location?
           Kevin:   It’s the forest next to the Dream Highway on the 15  kilometre.
           Operator:  Get it. I am handling the situation as soon as possible.
           Kevin:   Thanks.
                                            DIALOGUE C                             3
           Operator:  1-1-2. Where is your emergency?
           Rabia:   It is on my way home; on Daisy Street, in front of the hospital.
           Operator: What happened?
           Rabia:   A man stole a woman’s purse from her bag, and the woman is crying. Please
                    send help as soon as possible.
           Operator:  Help is on the way, Madam. Thank you for your concern.
           Rabia:   My pleasure.
                                                          Part - B
          1                                   2                                   3

          b) Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the following questions.
            a) Have you ever gone out recently?     d) What’s wrong with you?
            b) What are your symptoms?              e) Do you have a runny nose, or do you sneeze so often?
            c) Do you have any allergies?           f) What was the weather like?

            Doctor:  Good morning, madam. 1) _______ ?
            Gizem:  I feel tired. I think I am ill.
            Doctor:  2) _______ ?
            Gizem:  I have had a sore throat since yesterday and I have had a fever for three days.
            Doctor:  3) _______ ?
            Gizem:  I don’t have a runny nose, but I sneeze very often. There are many illnesses all around these days, so I am really
            Doctor:  Don’t worry. 4) _______ ?
            Gizem:  Yes, I have. It was nearly a week ago. I forgot to tell you that I have also had a mild cough, too.
            Doctor:  5) _______ ?
            Gizem:  It was very cold and rainy. I stayed under bad weather conditions for some time.
            Doctor:  I guess you have got a cold or the flu. 6) _______ ?
            Gizem:  I can say that I have never had any allergies so far.
            Doctor:  I will prescribe medicines for you. They are necessary for your treatment. Don’t forget to take your pills. I also want
                    to see you three days later. What time is suitable for you on Friday? We can connect online for this appointment.
            Gizem:  Any time is fine for me. Online will be very good, thanks.

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