P. 105


          Multiple Choice

          7.   Which of the following order is correct to complete the   10.  Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
            questions below?                                       meaningful dialogue.
            ...... you ever ...... to a sports match? If so, how ...... ?    I.   Yes, I’ve just had a school trip to the city aquarium.
                                                                    II.   It was a great experience. I saw a lot of different sea
            A) Do / travel / have you felt
            B) Did / travelled / do you feel
                                                                    III.  Have you ever been to a public aquarium?
            C) Have / travelled / you felt                          IV.  Oh, how nice! How was it?
            D) Are / travelling / are you feeling                   V.  No, not really. Have you?
            E) Have / been / did you feel                         A) IV-I-III-V-II

                                                                  B) III-V-I-IV-II
                                                                  C) II-IV-I-V-III
                                                                  D) III-IV-II-I-V
                                                                  E) II-V-III-IV-I

          8.  Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.    11.  Choose the option that does NOT complete the
            (I) Do you know the difference between rules and regulations?   paragraph.
            (II) Rules are instructions for how to do things correctly.                  Hospitals are crowded places. A lot of people have to go
            (III) On the other hand,  regulations are directives in a particular   there every day to visit the patients, so there are rules and
            country. (IV) So, we can say regulations are rules. (V) Make   regulations for the comfort and safety of them. We must
            sure students know the rules.                          obey these rules. For example: ...... .
                                                                  A) We must keep quiet during our visits
            A) I
                                                                  B) We mustn’t call patient rooms after 9.00 p.m.
            B) II
                                                                  C) We must avoid visiting patients in large groups
            C) III
            D) IV                                                 D) We must respect to the other patients’ rights
                                                                  E) We must bring food and drink for the patients
            E) V

          9.   Choose the closest meaning to the given sentence   12.  Choose the correct option that suits best to the
            below.                                                 situation below.

            He has learnt two foreign languages since he moved to   Your teammate has fallen and hurt his ankle during the
            Canada.                                                basketball match. He’s in terrible pain now. You want to

            A) He has spoken two foreign languages for a long time.  help him and say:
            B) Before he went to Canada, he could speak two       A) Come on! You have to get up. We need you.
              languages.                                          B) Hey, you had better walk slowly.
            C) He has just moved to Canada to learn foreign languages.  C) I think we should go to the hospital.
            D) He hasn’t learnt any foreign languages yet.        D) You shouldn’t use someone else’s medicine.
            E) After he moved to Canada, he learnt two            E) We had better win this game.

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   103
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