P. 108



          WARM UP
          a) Answer the following questions.
           1.  What kind of parties do you enjoy going to?
           2.  What kind of party are you going to organise for your next birthday?

          b) Match the words and phrases with the correct party types.

                 beef burgers         pyjamas            scary films      chocolate cakes        gowns
                  lawn games       fire extinguishers    diplomas            presents         goodbye songs
              slide of old memories  goodbye dinners     party hats       graduation caps        pillows

             Barbecue party       Birthday party       Farewell party      Graduation party     Slumber party

          …………............................  …………............................  …………............................  …………............................  …………............................

          .........………......................  .........………......................  .........………......................  .........………......................  .........………......................

          …………............................  …………............................  …………............................  …………............................  …………............................

          c) Match the definition with the correct word.

            1  A place where you can buy bread and cakes                               a   newsagent

            2  A shop where you can buy books                                          b   toyshop

            3  A shop where you can buy meat                                           c   bookshop

            4  A shop where you can buy clothes                                        d   tailor shop

            5  A shop where you can buy fruit and vegetables                           e   greengrocer's

            6  A shop where you can buy newspapers                                     f   butcher's

            7  A shop where you can buy dolls and toy cars                             g   restaurant

            8  A shop where you can buy food and small things for the home             h   bakery

            9  A place where you can eat out                                           i   clothes shop

           10  A place where you can have your clothes repaired                        j   grocery

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