P. 112



                                              Doughnut Party Organisation

          a) Tick the things that you need for a party.

               balloons            cupcakes              clock             beverages          invitation cards

                cakes                gifts            decorations         mobile phone           candles

          b) Read the dialogue between Haile and Matilda and choose the correct party concept.

          1.                                  2.                                 3.

           Haile  : Hey, Matilda. I am going to throw a party for our best friend’s daughter, Cindy,  to celebrate her birthday. Can you help me
                    organise everything?
           Matilda  : Of course, I would love to do that. What are we going to do?
           Haile  : I am trying to find a party concept first. Do you know what Cindy likes most?
           Matilda  : You know Cindy loves eating doughnuts much. Why don’t we prepare everything with the doughnut concept?

           Haile  : Great idea. Let’s start with the shopping list. What do we need for such a party?
           Matilda  : Cakes, beverages, decorations, gifts. Everything will be in the doughnut concept.
           Haile  : Let’s call some of the other friends to make them help us.

                    (Haile makes phone calls for half an hour. Then continues to talk with Matilda.)
           Haile  : I have called several friends to help us.
           Matilda  : Then what?

           Haile  : Jason is going to bring the cake. Samantha is going to bring some pink balloons.
           Matilda  : What about the doughnuts?
           Haile  : I am going to prepare them.

           Matilda  : Do you want me to bring the beverages?
           Haile  : It would be great, but don’t forget the milkshakes with doughnut topping. In addition, Kevin and Tom are going to
                     prepare the invitation cards.
           Matilda  : I guess Fiona will bring the party hats because she is a party organiser. Besides, she is going to bring doughnut
                     cards. There will be different sentences on them. We are going to stick them on the walls for decoration.
           Haile  : You’re right. We also need doughnuts with jelly and sugar powder. Do you want to bring them too?

           Matilda  : Yeah. No problem for me.
           Haile  : Fiona is also going to prepare the gift boxes. There will be four doughnuts in each box.
           Matilda  : As far as I have understood, everyone except Lilly will help us get prepared. What about her?

           Haile  : Unfortunately, she is not coming because of her illness. One more thing. We are going to have a dress code too.
           Matilda  : Say it pink. A doughnut party full of pink colour… It will be amazing, ha!

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